From Sydney to New York, landmarks go dark for Earth Hour

From Sydney's Opera House to New York's Empire State Building and Paris's Eiffel tower, landmarks worldwide dimmed their lights Saturday for the 10th edition of the Earth Hour campaign against climate change.

Australia's Sydney darkens for tenth Earth Hour

Australia's iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge went dark on Saturday night, as the Earth Hour campaign to switch off lights to call for action on climate change began rolling out across the planet, organisers said.

Humpback whales increasing in waters near NYC

Maybe they want to sing on Broadway. Humpback whales, the gigantic, endangered mammals known for their haunting underwater songs, have been approaching New York City in greater numbers than even old salts can remember.

Gravity: It's the law, even for cells (w/ Video)

Everybody knows that cells are microscopic, but why? Why aren't cells bigger? The average animal cell is 10 microns across and the traditional explanation has been cells are the perfect size because if they were any bigger ... to open first physical store

Online retail colossus plans to open its first brick-and-mortar store in New York ahead of the year-end holiday season, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

Ford shows off 'smart' Mustang at Taiwan tech show

US auto giant Ford showed off its new Mustang at Asia's biggest tech fair Tuesday, billing it as "the smartest Mustang to date", with voice controls and early warning collision systems.

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