Related topics: ipad

PC sales to grow 20 percent in 2010: Gartner

Worldwide sales of personal computers are expected to grow nearly 20 percent this year over 2009, with laptops driving new sales, research group Gartner said on Thursday.

Livestock is major contributor to global warming: UN

Livestock farming makes up 14.5 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, the UN food agency said Thursday, proposing solutions like breeding less-flatulent types of cows.

Mobile phones in use worldwide top 5.0 billion: study

The number of mobile phones in use worldwide has topped 5.0 billion, boosted by soaring demand in emerging markets India and China, a study by Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson showed Thursday.

Why mobile payment technology is leap-frogging in Latin America

The world of mobile payments is one of the hottest segments of the financial technology industry. Based in Miami, YellowPepper has been a pioneer of mobile payment technology in Latin America, where an immense market need ...

Qualcomm backs game console for 'next billion'

(AP) -- A startup called Zeebo Inc. is betting that people in emerging markets want to play good video games just as much as people in the U.S., Western Europe and Japan do.

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