Some states push back against stem cell research

(AP) -- A showdown is shaping up in some of the nation's most conservative states over embryonic stem cell research, as opponents draw language and tactics from the battle over abortion to counter President Barack Obama's ...

Researchers piggyback to safer reprogrammed stem cells

Austin Smith and his research team at the Centre for Stem Cell Research in Cambridge have just published in the journal Development a new and safer way of generating pluripotent stem cells - the stem cells that can give rise ...

Tuning in on cellular communication in the fruit fly

In their ongoing study of the processes involved in embryonic development in fruit flies, researchers at WPI's Life Sciences and Bioengineering Center at Gateway Park have identified the function of a protein that sticks ...

Process for expansion and division of heart cells identified

Researchers at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (GICD) and the University of California, San Francisco have unraveled a complex signaling process that reveals how different types of cells interact to create ...

Super-potent blood stem cells discovered in human embryos

Stem cells that form the blood and immune system, so-called hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), have important applications in the treatment of blood cancers and other diseases of the immune system. Through blood stem cell transplantation, ...

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