Discovery of 'mixer cells' could improve healing

French researchers from CNRS and Universite de Nice have recently identified cells that surprisingly change identity during embryogenesis in the Drosophila. By studying these "mixer cells" in a healing model, the scientists ...

Spatial DNA organization forms first, then the rest

The fundamental organization of the DNA in active and inactive compartments arises immediately after fertilization of the oocyte, even before genes are activated. This was discovered by researchers from the Hubrecht Institute ...

Researchers discover new way to form extracellular vesicles

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have discovered a protein called TAT-5 that affects the production of extracellular vesicles, small sacs of membrane released from the surface of cells, capable of sending signals ...

Under the microscope #8 - beetle embryo

Under the Microscope is a collection of videos that show glimpses of the natural and man-made world in stunning close-up.

Model may offer better understanding of embryonic development

A mathematical model developed at Purdue University can predict complex signaling patterns that could help scientists determine how stem cells in an embryo later become specific tissues, knowledge that could be used to understand ...

Mouse stem cells for primitive endoderm established

Stem cells that give rise to the mouse yolk sac have been isolated and cultured in the lab for the first time by RIKEN researchers, raising the possibility of artificially creating mouse embryos from stem cells in the future.

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