Stem cells organize themselves into pseudo-embryos

The definitive architecture of the mammalian body is established shortly after implantation of the embryo in the uterus. The antero-posterior, dorso-ventral and medio-lateral axes of the body become organized under the control ...

Not junk: 'Jumping gene' is critical for early embryo

A so-called "jumping gene" that researchers long considered either genetic junk or a pernicious parasite is actually a critical regulator of the first stages of embryonic development, according to a new study in mice led ...

Researchers glimpse elusive stem cell in the early embryo

Stem cell researchers at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital have, for the first time, profiled a highly elusive kind of stem cell in the early embryo—a cell so fleeting that it makes its entrance and ...

A first look at the earliest decisions that shape a human embryo

The factors that shape the destiny of a cell, like that of a fully formed person, remain something of a mystery. Why, for example, does one stem cell in a human embryo become a neuron rather than a muscle cell? And why does ...

Study examines how early embryonic development can go awry

A new study in the journal Nature Cell Biology has uncovered information about a key stage that human embryonic cells must pass through just before an embryo implants. The research, led by UCLA biologist Amander Clark, could ...

Expanding rings vital for viable embryos

Scientists have discovered a process during mammalian embryonic development that is critical for early embryos to develop into healthy blastocysts.

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