A 'tail' of two RNA regulatory systems

Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are our cells' intermediaries as genes become proteins. In order for the instructions in our genes to be carried out, first their DNA sequences are copied into mRNA, and then that mRNA is used as a ...

How do developing spinal cords choose 'heads' or 'tails'?

The progression from a round ball of cells to an embryo with a head and a tail is one of the most critical steps in an organism's development. But just how cells first start organizing themselves with directionality along ...

Tracking RNA through space and time

The "miracle of life" is most obvious at the very beginning: When the fertilized egg cell divides by means of furrows into blastomeres, envelops itself in an amniotic sac, and unfolds to form germ layers. When the blastomeres ...

New findings to boost IVF success rates

In vitro fertilization fulfills the wishes of half a million parents each year, yet the fertility treatment leaves plenty of room for improvement. A majority of potential embryos are ruled out for implantation, flagged by ...

Recreating the earliest stages of life

In their effort to understand the very earliest stages of life and how they can go wrong, scientists are confronted with ethical issues surrounding the use of human embryos. The use of animal embryos is also subject to restrictions ...

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