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Your emails are all scanned—and that's what you agreed to

According to Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez, "all human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret". It is in our nature to want privacy, yet in the internet age, it has never been easier to access the ...

German companies to automatically encrypt emails (Update)

Two of Germany's biggest Internet service providers said Friday they will start encrypting customers' emails by default in response to user concerns about online snooping after reports that the U.S. National Security Agency ...

Hotmail in hot water over password flaw, rushes fix

Hackers tried to get the best of Hotmail by figuring out how to reset Hotmail user passwords for e-mail accounts this month. Locking hotmail users out of their own accounts when trying to key in their passwords was something ...

Celebrity hacker pleads guilty in US court deal

A 35-year-old computer hacker pleaded guilty Monday to breaking into the email accounts of stars including Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis, and was taken in custody.

App data vulnerability threatens millions of users

Researchers of the Technische Universität Darmstadt and Fraunhofer SIT have investigated Cloud databases and established: developers wrongly use authentications for cloud services thereby threatening millions of user accounts ...

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