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German companies to automatically encrypt emails (Update)

Two of Germany's biggest Internet service providers said Friday they will start encrypting customers' emails by default in response to user concerns about online snooping after reports that the U.S. National Security Agency ...

Email service linked to Edward Snowden shuts down (Update)

A Texas-based email service reportedly used by National Security Agency systems analyst Edward Snowden said it was shutting down Thursday, explaining in a cryptic message that it would rather go out of business than "become ...

Eye-tracking could outshine passwords if made user-friendly

( —It's a wonder we still put up with passwords. We forget our highly secretive combinations, so we frequently have them reset and sent to our cellphones and alternative email addresses. We come up with clever ...

Review: Water resistance stands out in Sony phone

Think of a leading phone maker. Apple and Samsung might come to mind—maybe even HTC, maker of the well-received One. But you're probably not thinking Sony, a company better known for its TVs, cameras and video game machines.

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