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Tool detects password vulnerability

You could think of it as a brainteaser: Create a sequence of eight or more characters that includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, a digit, and a symbol, that doesn't contain any words in English, and ...

Tech Tips: Guide to protecting Internet accounts

Security experts say passwords for more than 2 million Facebook, Google and other accounts have been compromised and circulated online, just the latest example of breaches involving leading Internet companies.

Hooking phishers of men and women

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt seeking to acquire money, confidential information or other gain such as usernames, passwords or credit card details from people by masquerading as a trustworthy entity such as a bank, service ...

Yahoo vows to encrypt all its users' personal data (Update)

Yahoo is expanding its efforts to protect its users' online activities from prying eyes by encrypting all the communications and other information flowing into the Internet company's data centers around the world.

LinkedIn tool shares user info on iPhone email (Update)

LinkedIn just gave its users another reason to ensure their resumes are up to date. The online professional network has introduced a mobile feature that shows information about people's careers in emails being read on iPhones.

Greek foreign ministry says emails hacked

Greece's foreign ministry on Monday said its internal email system had been penetrated by hackers and that an investigation was under way to determine the extent of the damage.

Brazil announces secure email to counter US spying

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced Sunday that her government was creating a secure email system to try and shield official communications from spying by the United States and other countries.

NSA data center runs into electrical problems

The Army Corps of Engineers says it has found electrical problems at the National Security Agency's $1.7 billion data center that could delay the new facility's long-awaited opening this fall in Utah.

EPA urged to update rules on secret email accounts

Senior officials at the Environmental Protection Agency have said they did not intend to circumvent federal records laws by using private and secret government email accounts to conduct government business. A new report from ...

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