TripAdvisor email list hacked, passwords secure

TripAdvisor said Thursday that hackers had stolen a portion of the online travel site's email list and warned members of the possibility of receiving junk mail messages.

End of the e-mail era? I'm not buying it

I don't know about you, but I'm overwhelmed by e-mail. Yes, I know. The Wall Street Journal has declared that e-mail's reign is over. It's supposedly being replaced by technologies such as instant messaging, social networking ...

Cyber crime lords using big business tactics: Cisco

Cyber criminals are aping executives when it comes to sales, marketing and risk management in the world of online treachery, according to a report released by networking giant Cisco.

NYTimes floods inboxes with subscription email

The New York Times accidentally flooded email inboxes on Wednesday when a message destined for a few readers who had canceled their subscriptions ended up going out to millions.

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