Heat flow control for future nanoelectronics

Electronic devices and their components are getting smaller and smaller. Through his doctoral research at the Department of Applied Physics in Aalto University, Tomi Ruokola has examined how the heat generated by electronic ...

Visualizing a photosensitizer complex in action

A Japanese research group comprised of Dr. Tokushi Sato, Professor Shunsuke Nozawa, and Professor Shin-ichi Adachi of the Institute of Materials Structure Science at KEK, Professor Hiroshi Fujii of the Institute of Molecular ...

Shedding light on nature's nanoscale control of solar energy

Nature's process for storing solar energy occurs in light-absorbing protein complexes called photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs). Across billions of years of evolution, Nature has retained a common light-absorbing hexameric ...

Genome-scale model of cyanobacterium developed

(Phys.org) -- In an important step toward engineering bacteria to produce biofuel, scientists have developed one of the first global models for the nitrogen-fixing photosynthetic cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 (see ...

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