Technologies for the sixth generation cellular network

Future wireless data networks will have to reach higher transmission rates and shorter delays, while supplying an increasing number of end devices. For this purpose, network structures consisting of many small radio cells ...

Novel DNA architecture for nanotechnology

The DNA structure as revealed by Watson and Crick is pivotal to the stability and replication of the DNA double helix. Replacement of the DNA base-pairs with other molecular entities is providing new functions for DNA and ...

A first-of-its-kind discovery with an X-ray laser

A research team led by physicists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has proven a method that makes it possible to find the atomic structure of proteins in action by producing "snapshots" of them with unprecedented ...

Quasi-symmetry in CoSi reveals new type of topological material

Ever since the discovery of the quantum Hall effect (Nobel Prize 1985), symmetry has been the guiding principle in the search for topological materials. Now an international team of researchers from Germany, Switzerland, ...

Nanosuits help small creatures survive a vacuum

( —Scientists use scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) to study tiny structures in small organisms. SEMs can only work in a high vacuum, and exposure to such a vacuum normally causes living things to die very ...

Switching nanolight on and off

A team of researchers led by Columbia University has developed a unique platform to program a layered crystal, producing imaging capabilities beyond common limits on demand.

Taking the mystery out of photosynthesis

( -- An enigmatic protein system that uses sunlight and water to create fuel became a little less mysterious, thanks to scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, University of Michigan, and University ...

Metals for a new era

Cars that change colour at the push of a button; metals that strengthen with use; buildings that harness energy from the wind... research into designing structural materials that are both responsive and functional is shifting ...

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