Samsung Begins Mass Producing 3D TV Panels

( -- Samsung Electronics announced today that it has become the first company to commence mass production of panels for 3D LED TVs and 3D LCD TVs.

Researchers build Quad HD TV chip

It took only a few years for high-definition televisions to make the transition from high-priced novelty to ubiquitous commodity—and they now seem to be heading for obsolescence just as quickly. At the Consumer Electronics ...

Scientists produce graphene using microorganisms

The Graphene Research Group at Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) reports on the synthesis of graphene by reducing graphene oxide using microorganisms extracted from a local river.

Light-generating transistors to power labs on chips

( -- What started out as 'blue-sky' thinking by a group of European researchers could ultimately lead to the commercial mass production of a new generation of optoelectronic components for devices ranging from ...

One transistor for all purposes

In mobiles, fridges, planes – transistors are everywhere. But they often operate only within a restricted current range. LMU physicists have now developed an organic transistor that functions perfectly under both low and ...

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