Surprisingly strong and deformable silicon

Researchers at ETH and Empa have shown that tiny objects can be made from silicon that are much more deformable and stronger than previously thought. In this way, sensors in smartphones could be made smaller and more robust.

Visualizing every step of on-surface cycloaddition reactions

By observing individual atoms as they rearrange themselves step by step, chemists at RIKEN have cast new light on the route by which halogenated aromatic molecules join together on a silver surface1. These insights promise ...

New flame retardants, old problems

New flame retardants escaping from our TVs, other electrical and electronic products, and children's car seats are just as toxic as the flame retardants they're intended to replace, according to a peer-reviewed study published ...

One transistor for all purposes

In mobiles, fridges, planes – transistors are everywhere. But they often operate only within a restricted current range. LMU physicists have now developed an organic transistor that functions perfectly under both low and ...

Mass manufacturing of metasurfaces

The mass production of flat optical devices with sub-wavelength structures could soon be a reality, thanks to a metasurface fabrication technique developed by researchers at A*STAR.

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