Related topics: patients ยท health care system

Lab-in-a-box takes aim at doctors' computer activity

They call it "the Lab-in-a-Box." According to Nadir Weibel, a research scientist in the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department at the University of California, San Diego, inside the box are assorted sensors and ...

IBM putting Watson to work in health insurance

Enough with the fun and games. Watson is going to work. IBM's supercomputer system, best known for trouncing the world's best "Jeopardy!" players on TV, is being tapped by one of the nation's largest health insurers to help ...

To prescribe or not to prescribe?

Doctors are more likely to prescribe growth hormones for a child who does not meet federal guidelines for the therapy if the child's family requests it or if the physician believes in its intangible benefits, such as the ...

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Electronic medical record

An electronic medical record (EMR) is a medical record in digital format.

In health informatics and most contexts, EMR and EHR (electronic health records) are used synonymously, but many people define an EMR as just the physician interface and EHR including both a physician and patient interface. The term has sometimes included other systems which keep track of medical information, such as the practice management system which supports the electronic medical record.

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