Study illuminates molecules aiding communication inside cells

New research from the Lippincott-Schwartz Lab at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus being presented at Cell Bio 2022 provides a close-up look at the individual molecules that facilitate communication between cellular structures. ...

Earth's oldest stromatolites and the search for life on Mars

The earliest morphological traces of life on Earth are often highly controversial, both because non-biological processes can produce relatively similar structures and because such fossils have often been subjected to advanced ...

Protons are likely smaller than previously believed

A few years ago, a novel measurement technique showed that protons are probably smaller than had been assumed since the 1990s. The discrepancy surprised the scientific community; some researchers even believed that the Standard ...

New skills of graphene: Tunable lattice vibrations

Without electronics and photonics, there would be no computers, smartphones, sensors, or information and communication technologies. In the coming years, the new field of phononics may further expand these options. That field ...

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