Development of graphene transistor with new operating principle

AIST researchers have developed a graphene transistor with a new operating principle. In the developed transistor, two electrodes and two top gates are placed on graphene and graphene between the top gates is irradiated with ...

Salt Water System Could Generate Hydrogen

( -- The idea of generating hydrogen from salt water has often been claimed to work effectively. However, the systems proposed so far generally require a much greater energy input than the energy they produce, ...

New rechargeable zinc-air batteries coming soon

( -- A new breed of rechargeable zinc-air batteries is soon to be available, and may replace lithium-ion batteries in cell phones, laptops and other consumer items. Lithium-ion batteries store only a third of ...

Chinese researchers develop new battery technology

A Chinese research team has developed a novel, environmentally friendly, low-cost battery that overcomes many of the problems of lithium ion batteries (LIB). The new aluminum-graphite, dual-ion battery (AGDIB) offers significantly ...

Scientists Create World's Smallest Snowman (w/ Video)

( -- David Cox, a scientist in the Quantum Detection group at the National Physical Laboratory in the UK, is an expert in nanofabrication techniques. Recently, using the tools of his trade and a bit of humor, ...

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