A novel test bed for non-equilibrium many-body physics

The behavior of electrons in a material is typically difficult to predict. Novel insight comes now from experiments and simulations performed by a team led by ETH physicists who have studied electronic transport properties ...

The repulsion trick: A self-solving puzzle for organic molecules

Jülich researchers have succeeded in controlling the growth of organic molecules using a special trick. Molecules that repel each other play a key role in this process: due to their opposing forces, they always keep a certain ...

Scientists simulate electron localization in real materials

Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in collaboration with Florida State University, have developed a method to simulate electron localization in real materials including imperfections and electron-electron ...

Novel state of matter: Observation of a quantum spin liquid

A novel and rare state of matter known as a quantum spin liquid has been empirically demonstrated in a monocrystal of the compound calcium-chromium oxide by team at HZB. According to conventional understanding, a quantum ...

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