Randomness forms complex social structures

(Phys.org)—The environment of group-living animals influences their social behaviour in a stronger way than was previously thought, says a new study from behavioural researchers at ETH and the University of Zurich. They ...

Chasing a common cold virus

(Phys.org)—As the cold and flu season makes its annual visit, a team of researchers, using Argonne's Advanced Photon Source, continue to complete a detailed map of the human adenovirus—one of several viruses responsible ...

Topological superconductors: Seeking a robust home for qubits

(Phys.org)—If quantum computers are ever going to perform all those expected feats of code-breaking and number crunching, then their component qubits—-tiny ephemeral quantum cells held in a superposition of internal states—-will ...

Magnetic vortex reveals key to spintronic speed limit

(Phys.org)—The evolution of digital electronics is a story of miniaturization - each generation of circuitry requires less space and energy to perform the same tasks. But even as high-speed processors move into handheld ...

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