A graphene solution for microwave interference

Microwave communication is ubiquitous in the modern world, with electromagnetic waves in the tens of gigahertz range providing efficient transmission with wide bandwidth for data links between Earth-orbiting satellites and ...

Electron spins controlled using sound waves

The ability to control the intrinsic angular momentum of individual electrons – their "spins" – could lead to a world of new technologies that involve storing and processing information.

The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave

(Phys.org)—Light behaves both as a particle and as a wave. Since the days of Einstein, scientists have been trying to directly observe both of these aspects of light at the same time. Now, scientists at EPFL have succeeded ...

Novel high-power microwave generator

High-power microwaves are frequently used in civil applications, such as radar and communication systems, heating and current drive of plasmas in fusion devices, and acceleration in high-energy linear colliders. They can ...

Optical 'watermills' control spinning light

Scientists at King's have built on research they conducted last year to achieve previously unseen levels of control over the travelling direction of electromagnetic wave in waveguides and proved that the process works equally ...

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