Related topics: electrons

Ibogaine inspires new compounds to treat addiction, depression

Scientists have developed two new drug candidates for potentially treating addiction and depression, modeled on the pharmacology of a traditional African psychedelic plant medicine called ibogaine. At very low doses, these ...

Basic science shows how a single mutation causes ataxia

Worldwide, only a handful of patients are known to suffer from episodic ataxia type 6, a neurological disease that causes transient loss of muscle control. The cause lies in a mutation that changes a single amino acid in ...

How a thin-film copper sandwich is transforming electronics

As devices get smaller and more powerful, the risk of them overheating and burning out increases substantially. Despite advancements in cooling solutions, the interface between an electronic chip and its cooling system has ...

Describing the mechanism by which oxygen in the blood is detected

Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), in addition to occurring in areas of considerable altitude, is a critical factor linked to various cardiopulmonary diseases of high morbidity and mortality in humans. The carotid body, a highly ...

Small proteins play big role in cellular energy balance

Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School have discovered new molecular details of how cells ensure that their energy supply is adjusted to meet energy demand. Their study, carried out in collaboration with researchers at the ...

Electron slow motion: Ion physics on the femtosecond scale

How do different materials react to the impact of ions? This is a question that plays an important role in many areas of research—for example, in nuclear fusion research, when the walls of the fusion reactor are bombarded ...

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