A bright light for ultrafast snapshots of materials

If you want to understand how novel phases emerge in correlated materials, including high-temperature superconductivity and nanoscale electronic order, you can obtain completely new viewpoints by taking 'snapshots' of underlying ...

'Magnetic tongue' ready to help produce tastier processed foods

The "electronic nose," which detects odors, has a companion among emerging futuristic "e-sensing" devices intended to replace abilities that once were strictly human-and-animal-only. It is a "magnetic tongue" -- a method ...

Scientists precisely measure the charge state of manganese

Most atoms lose or gain just a few negatively charged electrons from their surroundings, but not manganese. This element can donate up to seven electrons or wrench as many as three electrons away, abilities that can have ...

A new Hungarian method may aid protein research

In a paper recently published in Nature Communications, the HUN-REN-ELTE Protein Modeling Research Group (Institute of Chemistry) has laid the foundations for a mathematical method, allowing the computer-assisted comparison ...

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