New tool helps nanorods stand out

Rice University scientists have developed an easy and affordable tool to count and characterize nanoparticles.

Scholes finds novel magnetic field effect in diamagnetic molecules

The Princeton University Department of Chemistry publishes research this week proving that an applied magnetic field will interact with the electronic structure of weakly-magnetic, or diamagnetic, molecules to induce a magnetic-field ...

Scientists reveal infrared spectroscopy of neutral water dimer

A research team led by Profs. Jiang Ling, Yang Xueming and Zhang Donghui from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. Li Jun from Tsinghua University, ...

How do atoms vibrate in graphene nanostructures?

In order to understand advanced materials like graphene nanostructures and optimize them for devices in nano-, opto- and quantum-technology it is crucial to understand how phonons—the vibration of atoms in solids—influence ...

Probing semiconductor crystals with a sphere of light

Tohoku University researchers have developed a technique using a hollow sphere to measure the electronic and optical properties of large semiconducting crystals. The approach, published in the journal Applied Physics Express, ...

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