Light may unlock a new quantum dance for electrons in graphene

A team of researchers has devised a simple way to tune a hallmark quantum effect in graphene—the material formed from a single layer of carbon atoms—by bathing it in light. Their theoretical work, which was published ...

A glimpse inside the atom

An electron microscope can't just snap a photo like a mobile phone camera can. The ability of an electron microscope to image a structure – and how successful this imaging will be – depends on how well you understand ...

New physics and application of antiferromagnet uncovered

The research group of Professor Hideo Ohno and Associate Professor Shunsuke Fukami of Tohoku University has studied the control of magnetization using a current applied to heterostructures comprising an antiferromagnet. They ...

Rare earths advance search for unified theory

Rare earth elements are used in computer hard drives, electric motors and to generate and amplify the lasers at Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF). Future applications may include serving as memory for ...

Researchers measure electron orbitals of molecules in 3-D

Many people will remember them from physics lessons at school: Often represented as colourful clouds or balloons, electron orbitals provide information on the whereabouts of the electrons in atoms and molecules. Scientists ...

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