Superconducting secrets solved after 30 years

( —A breakthrough has been made in identifying the origin of superconductivity in high-temperature superconductors, which has puzzled researchers for the past three decades.

Chinese researchers develop new battery technology

A Chinese research team has developed a novel, environmentally friendly, low-cost battery that overcomes many of the problems of lithium ion batteries (LIB). The new aluminum-graphite, dual-ion battery (AGDIB) offers significantly ...

Nanogenerator's output triples previous record

(—Taking an important step forward for self-powered systems, researchers have built a nanogenerator with an ultrahigh output voltage of 209 V, which is 3.6 times higher than the previous record of 58 V. The nanogenerator, ...

Fujifilm will introduce 1TB optical disc in 2015

(—Fujifilm is working on a new recording method for optical discs. It has developed the new method through the use of two-photon absorption in order to generate heat, and the report in TechOn! notes that this two-photon ...

Scientists produce densest artificial ionospheric plasma clouds

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory research physicists and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, working at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter facility, Gakona, Alaska, successfully produced ...

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