Maximizing the potential of MXenes

Amidst a surge of research over the last two decades focusing on the special properties of structures that are just an atom or two thick, called "two-dimensional" materials, researchers at Drexel University have steadily ...

Using graphene to create quantum bits

In the race to produce a quantum computer, a number of projects are seeking a way to create quantum bits—or qubits—that are stable, meaning they are not much affected by changes in their environment. This normally needs ...

Testing the James Webb Space Telescope with radio waves

The instruments that will fly aboard NASA's James Webb Space Telescope not only have to be tough enough to survive in the cold of space, but they also have to work properly in the electromagnetic environment on the spacecraft, ...

FAA moving toward easing electronic device use

The U.S. government is moving toward easing restrictions on airline passengers using electronic devices to listen to music, play games, read books, watch movies and work during taxiing, takeoffs and landings.

Quantum computers counting on carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes can be used as quantum bits for quantum computers. A study by physicists at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen has shown how nanotubes can store information in the form of vibrations. Up to now, researchers ...

MAVEN mission completes assembly, begins environmental testing

NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft is assembled and is undergoing environmental testing at Lockheed Martin Space Systems facilities, near Denver, Colo. MAVEN is the next mission to Mars and will ...

Intel's new fiber-optic cables promise speed boost

Envisioning a data traffic jam looming as consumers shuttle increasing amounts of information among their home PCs, televisions and other gadgets, Intel plans to introduce new technology in a few months that could keep everything ...

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