World's first optical atomic clock with highly charged ions

Highly charged ions are a common form of matter in the cosmos, where they are found, for example, in the sun or other stars. They are so called because they have lost many electrons and therefore have a high positive charge. ...

Recent advance in detonation theory

A detonation wave is a chemical reaction wave propagating at the velocity of a shock wave along the explosive charge. There is great demand for a detonation model that can accurately simulate the detonation process, which ...

Highest degree of purity achieved for polarized X-rays

A research team was able to generate polarized X-rays with unprecedented purity at the European XFEL in Hamburg. The experiments involved scientists from the Helmholtz Institute Jena, a branch of GSI, Friedrich Schiller University ...

New design surpasses the coherent interaction limit

Coherent light-matter interaction at the single photon level is a long-standing goal for quantum operations. To reach such strong coupling regime, previous studies mainly focus on improving the quality (Q) factor and reducing ...

Optical cavities could provide new technological possibilities

A research team from NTNU is studying a topic called optical cavities and how the light trapped in them interacts with atoms, molecules and other particles. The technology could prove valuable for the development of energy-efficient ...

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