Scientists grow ultrahigh-purity carbon nanotubes

( —Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are being widely studied for their potential applications in many areas; for example, as electrode materials for energy storage, as transparent conductive films, and as ...

'Nanochains' could increase battery capacity, cut charging time

How long the battery of your phone or computer lasts depends on how many lithium ions can be stored in the battery's negative electrode material. If the battery runs out of these ions, it can't generate an electrical current ...

Wastewater produces electricity and desalinates water

A process that cleans wastewater and generates electricity can also remove 90 percent of salt from brackish water or seawater, according to an international team of researchers from China and the U.S.

Komaba Group reports sodium ion battery progress

(—Scientists with a common goal, to figure out an alternative to the lithium ion battery, the main power source of choice, are not giving up. The quarrel is not with the lithium ion battery's performance but in ...

Research team creates photoelectrowetting circuit

( -- Working together, Matthieu Gaudet and Steve Arscott from the University of Lille (IEMN lab) in France have built a circuit using a phenomenon known as photoelectrowetting, which allows a switch to be turned ...

New electrode design may lead to more powerful batteries

New research by engineers at MIT and elsewhere could lead to batteries that can pack more power per pound and last longer, based on the long-sought goal of using pure lithium metal as one of the battery's two electrodes, ...

Cow Brain Protein May Hold Alternative Energy Promise

( -- Of all the ideas that hold promise in alternative energy, cow brains are an odd candidate. They do not fit into the list of usual plant-based subjects, such as corn or switch grass. But cow brains contain ...

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