Strong microwave magnetic fields for more efficient plasmas

Hot gases composed of metal ions and electrons, called plasmas, are widely used in many manufacturing processes, chemical synthesis, and metal extraction from ores and welding. A collaborative research group from Tohoku University ...

Lasers are making solar cells competitive

At "Laser 2009" in Munich, Germany, June 15 to 18, Fraunhofer researchers will be demonstrating how laser technology can contribute to optimizing the manufacturing costs and efficiency of solar cells.

Figuring out how to breathe the moon's regolith

Oxygen ranks right up there as one of the most important resources for use in space exploration. Not only is it a critical component of rocket fuel, it's also necessary for astronauts to breathe anywhere outside Earth's atmosphere. ...

EU clears massive German wind farms investment

The EU on Thursday approved German government support for a massive investment of nearly 30 billion euros in new offshore wind farms, a key project as the country phases out nuclear energy.

GM's electric Spark: It's all about the batteries

Around this time next year, General Motors will unveil its first all-electric car since the EV-1. It's a battery version of the Spark mini-car that's hitting the showrooms now. In both gas and electric versions, the Spark ...

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