Wiggling worms make waves in gene pool

The idea that worms can be seen as waveforms allowed scientists at Rice University to find new links in gene networks that control movement.

Valuing versatility

It's often said that we live in an age of increased specialization: physicians who treat just one ailment, scholars who study just one period, network administrators who know just one operating system.

Shifting the Internet into high gear

(Phys.org) —A new-generation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) developed by a joint IBM-EPFL team has the potential to greatly increase the speed and volume of data that can be transferred over the Internet.

'Nanotubes on a chip' could simplify optical power measurements

(Phys.org)—The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has demonstrated a novel chip-scale instrument made of carbon nanotubes that may simplify absolute measurements of laser power, especially the light signals ...

Berlin commuters will use folding EV Hiriko

(Phys.org)—Deutsche Bahn, the company that operates the German railway network, will enlist the Hiriko electric vehicle as part of its transport network in Berlin. The Hiriko folding car, targeted for the city's car sharing ...

Putting more cores to work in server farms

(Phys.org)—EPFL scientists have found that reorganizing the inner architecture of the processors used in massive data processing centers can yield significant energy savings. Their work is part of the EcoCloud program.

First mammalian 'cell phone'

(Phys.org)—Researchers from ETH Zurich have quite literally created a "cell phone": they have reprogrammed mammalian cells in such a way that they can "phone" each other via chemical signals.

Solar and wind energy may stabilise the power grid

(Phys.org)—Renewable energies such as wind, sun and biogas are set to become increasingly important in generating electricity. If increasing numbers of wind turbines and photovoltaic systems feed electrical energy into ...

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