Related topics: energy

Report lays out how to make copper mines emission-free

A world-first study by the University of Sydney's Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering, "Zero Emission Copper Mine of the Future," lays out how Australian copper mining can be cleaner and smarter using emerging technologies.

The smallest motor in the world

A research team from Empa and EPFL has developed a molecular motor which consists of only 16 atoms and rotates reliably in one direction. It could allow energy harvesting at the atomic level. The special feature of the motor ...

Israeli scientists produce energy from plants

Israeli scientists say they have produced hydrogen from plants in a development that they hope could eventually lead to using vegetation to produce electricity.

A new law for metamaterials

Metamaterials, which are engineered to have properties not found in nature, have long been developed and studied because of their unique features and exciting applications. However, the physics behind their thermal emission ...

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