Related topics: solar cells

Polymer-coated catalyst protects 'artificial leaf'

Due to the fluctuating availability of solar energy, storage solutions are urgently needed. One option is to use the electrical energy generated inside solar cells to split water by means of electrolysis, in the process yielding ...

Engineering thin-film oxide interfaces

(—Research at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Advanced Photon Source (APS) provides new insights about a material that might form the basis for an alternative to conventional silicon-based semiconductor ...

Lowering the heat makes new materials possible while saving energy

A new technology developed by Penn State researchers, called Cold Sintering Process (CSP), has opened a window on the ability to combine incompatible materials, such as ceramics and plastics, into new, useful compound materials, ...

Graphene isn't the only Lego in the materials-science toy box

You may have heard of graphene, a sheet of pure carbon, one atom thick, that's all the rage in materials-science circles, and getting plenty of media hype as well. Reports have trumpeted graphene as an ultra-thin, super-strong, ...

NREL reveals potential for capturing waste heat via nanotubes

A finely tuned carbon nanotube thin film has the potential to act as a thermoelectric power generator that captures and uses waste heat, according to researchers at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory ...

Team develops sodium ion batteries using copper sulfide

A KAIST research team recently developed sodium ion batteries using copper sulfide anode. This finding will contribute to advancing the commercialization of sodium ion batteries (SIBs) and reducing the production cost of ...

Physicists find weak spots in ceramic/graphene composites

Physicists and materials scientists from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) analyzed the structures in nanomaterials made of ceramic and graphene plates, in which cracks appear most frequently. The ...

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