Electric vehicles complete round-the-world tour

Electric vehicles from Australia, Germany and Switzerland completed a pioneering 27,000 kilometre "emissions free" round-the-world trip on Thursday, after 188 days on the road and at sea.

Nissan turns new Leaf with all-electric car

At first glance Nissan's Oppama plant looks like any other. But a closer look reveals workers inserting lithium-ion batteries and electric motors in every sixth vehicle on the production line.

Toyota developing alternative electric motor

Toyota Motor Corp., maker of the popular Prius hybrid car, is developing a new type of electric motor to cut its dependence on rare earth metals and lower costs, a company spokesman said Monday.

Light-up cereal boxes powered by shelves on display at CES

(PhysOrg.com) -- Cereal boxes with blinking lights may or may not be the next big thing, but the underlying technology could prove useful for many other potential applications. At the recent CES in Las Vegas, Fulton Innovation ...

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