Seeing memories being made

Researchers at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern have developed a novel tool for tracking and manipulating long-term memories as they are stored in the brains of fruit flies. The tool, reported recently in the journal ...

Research shows black plastics could create renewable energy

Research from Swansea University has found how plastics commonly found in food packaging can be recycled to create new materials like wires for electricity—and could help to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the future.

Clean and effective electronic waste recycling

As the number of electronics devices increases around the world, finding effective methods of recycling electronic waste (e-waste) is a growing concern. About 50 million tons of e-waste is generated each year and only 20% ...

Shocking economics

Modern macroeconomics has failed to produce an understanding of economies in times of crisis. Modern macroeconomics are still based on the assumption of equilibria, but a shock pushes economies out of a state of equilibrium. ...

Image: ISS transits the sun

Humankind's most distant outpost was recently captured crossing the face of our enormous and gleaming sun. The fleeting transit of the International Space Station was over in the blink of an eye, but Ian Griffin, Director ...

Electric shocks kill bacteria

Low temperatures and an acidic environment create the ideal conditions for an effective method of inactivating Listeria (and other germs) in the processing of whey protein solutions – without destroying valuable nutrients. ...

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