Policy issues plague hydropower as wind power backup

Theoretically, hydropower can step in when wind turbines go still, but barriers to this non-polluting resource serving as a backup are largely policy- and regulation-based, according to Penn State researchers.

Cybersecurity: Plugging smart grid weaknesses

Power companies are increasingly upgrading to smart grids—national or state-based intelligent computer systems that collect information from consumers and suppliers in order to automatically improve the grid's efficiency ...

Wind power blows into Africa

Giant turbines churning in the wind are a rare sight in Africa—but that will not be the case for long. Until now the meagre amounts of investment in African wind energy have predominantly come from governments and foreign ...

Research opportunities plentiful for next generation batteries

(Phys.org) —In the opening scene of the iconic movie of the 1960s, The Graduate, Benjamin Braddock, at a party to celebrate his college degree, is given one word of advice for his future: "Plastics." Were young Benjamin ...

Green conversion of heat to electricity

Soon, it will be possible to produce electricity from heat over 30 degrees emitted from a waste incinerator, refinery, or data processor. The start-up Osmoblue has just confirmed the feasibility of this new concept.

Power exchange to become more economical

Siemens is facilitating the efficient flow of energy between the power network of an electric railway system and the public power grid. The company is delivering 11 gateway power converters to Sweden, Austria and Switzerland. ...

New battery design could help solar and wind power the grid

(Phys.org) —Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have designed a low-cost, long-life battery that could enable solar and wind energy to become ...

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