The sun also flips: 11-year solar cycle wimpy, but peaking

( —In a 3-meter diameter hollow aluminum sphere, Cary Forest, a UW-Madison physics professor, is stirring and heating plasmas to 500,000 degrees Fahrenheit to experimentally mimic the magnetic field-inducing cosmic ...

The grid of the future

The outlet in your living room doesn't know a lot—yet. Unaware of whether they are drawing power from wind, solar, gas, or coal plants, the electrical lines that bring us power in many ways still resemble the chaotic, ...

Energy to power tomorrow's electric vehicles

Sales of full electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have been rising steadily in many parts of the world, including Europe. These are motor vehicles, including personal cars, which can be recharged from an external ...

Carnival to cut pollution from cruise ships

The world's largest cruise ship company will adopt technology from power plants and automobiles to reduce air pollution from the massive diesel engines powering its ships.

A steady mobile power supply for Swiss trains

Siemens is stabilizing the power grid of the Swiss railroad company Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB) by providing it with the world's first mobile units that compensate for reactive power. The overhead conductor, as well ...

Student team unveils world's first solar-powered family car

The Solar Team Eindhoven (STE) of TU/e in the Netherlands presented the world's first solar-powered family car today. 'Stella' is the first 'energy-positive car' with room for four people, a trunk, intuitive steering and ...

Measurements help defend grid against space weather

Since the invention of the telescope four centuries ago, astronomers have become more aware of the active nature of the Sun, and how events on its surface can affect the Earth. One of the most dramatic of these is 'space ...

New material holds big energy hope

( —A new material that can store large amounts of energy with very little energy loss has been developed by researchers at the Australian National University.

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