How electric fish were able to evolve electric organs

Electric organs help electric fish, such as the electric eel, do all sorts of amazing things: They send and receive signals that are akin to bird songs, helping them to recognize other electric fish by species, sex and even ...

Electric eels make leaping attacks

In a legendary account the famous 19th century explorer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt recounted a dramatic battle between horses and electric eels that he witnessed on a field trip to the Amazon. In the following ...

Electric eels curl up to deliver even more powerful shocks

The electric eel may be one of the most remarkable predators in the entire animal kingdom. That is the conclusion of Kenneth Catania, Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences at Vanderbilt University, who has spent the ...

Electric eels deliver Taser-like shocks

The electric eel - the scaleless Amazonian fish that can deliver an electrical jolt strong enough to knock down a full-grown horse - possesses an electroshock system uncannily similar to a Taser.

What do piranhas and goldfish have in common?

The common goldfish, the tiny minnows, the fish tank favorite tetra, the famous Electric Eel, the enormous Mekong Giant Catfish that weighs in at nearly 700 pounds, the gnashing-teeth piranha, the well-studied zebrafish - ...

Scientists discover electric eels hunting in a group

Deep in the Brazilian Amazon River basin, scientists led by the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History fish research associate C. David de Santana discovered a small, river-fed lake filled with more than 100 adult ...

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