Study finds more tweets means more votes for political candidates

An Indiana University study found that the percentage of votes for Republican and Democratic candidates in 2010 and 2012 races for the U.S. House of Representatives could be predicted by the percentage of tweets that mentioned ...

Democracy v self interest?

When it comes to electoral reform, are political parties more concerned about proposing reforms to suit their own agenda, or do they have the greater good at heart?

Studying politics? Come play in the Data Playground

Unprecedented volumes of information about political behaviour, previously only accessible to experts, are to be made available by Britain's oldest study of electoral behaviour.

Countries with well-funded public media have healthier democracies

Thousands of newspapers across the U.S. have shuttered or downsized in recent years, leaving many communities without—or with highly diminished—local news outlets. The collapse of local journalism and rise of 'news deserts," ...

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