Researchers develop strain sensors for health, machine use

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a stretchable strain sensor that has an unprecedented combination of sensitivity and range, allowing it to detect even minor changes in strain with greater range ...

New technique acts as accelerator, brake for microscopic droplets

A miniscule water droplet is on the move, picking up speed as it glides along a stretch of thin, flat terrain. Abruptly, it hits a rough patch—the microscopic equivalent of glass speed bumps into which the droplet settles ...

New calculations solve an old problem with DNA

The normal (B-form) DNA will switch to left-handed DNA when it is physically twisted, or when a lot of salt is added to the solution. Researchers at the University of Luxembourg were able to accurately calculate for the ...

Nano-infused ceramic could report on its own health

A ceramic that becomes more electrically conductive under elastic strain and less conductive under plastic strain could lead to a new generation of sensors embedded into structures like buildings, bridges and aircraft able ...

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