Human eye capable of seeing 'ghosted' images

A team of researchers in the U.K. has found that the human eye and brain are together capable of seeing "ghosted" images. The researchers have published a paper describing their work on the arXiv preprint server.

Researchers report the creation of Rydberg polarons in a Bose gas

What is inside an atom between the nucleus and the electron? Usually there is nothing, but why could there not be other particles too? If the electron orbits the nucleus at a great distance, there is plenty of space in between ...

New type of virus found in the ocean

A type of virus that dominates water samples taken from the world's oceans has long escaped analysis because it has characteristics that standard tests can't detect. However, researchers at MIT and the Albert Einstein College ...

Exotic quantum states made from light

Light particles (photons) occur as tiny, indivisible portions. Many thousands of these light portions can be merged to form a single super-photon if they are sufficiently concentrated and cooled. The individual particles ...

New confirmation of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein predicted that whenever light from a distant star passes by a closer object, gravity acts as a kind of magnifying lens, brightening and bending the distant starlight. Yet, in a 1936 article in the journal ...

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