New paper highlights dangerous misconceptions of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is discriminatory, susceptible to racial and sexist bias and its improper use is sending education into a global crisis, a leading Charles Darwin University (CDU) expert warns in a new research ...

UN warns against 'excessive' tech use in classrooms

Heavy reliance on technology in education may be unproductive, or even detrimental, if it interferes with the acquisition of basic skills such as reading, the UN warned on Wednesday.

Creating communities with blended learning

Linlin Pei, together with her supervisors Cindy Poortman, Kim Schildkamp and Nieck Benes studied three blended learning courses at the University of Twente to find the main factors that contribute to or limit the sense of ...

How the humble protist could shore up the world's food supply

Protists, a broad class of generally single-celled organisms that includes algae and amoebae, have long been regarded as a "catch-all" category for diverse microorganisms. Because of their diversity and prevalence, protists ...

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