Mobile LIDAR technology expanding rapidly

( —Imagine driving down a road a few times and obtaining in an hour more data about the surrounding landscape than a crew of surveyors could obtain in months.

Green 'Oakley Cluster' to double OSC computing power

Researchers using Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) resources can now conduct even more innovative academic and industrial research by accessing Ohio's newest energy-efficient, GPU-accelerated supercomputer system.

Online education degrees skyrocket

Virtually unknown a decade ago, big online teacher education programs now dwarf their traditional competitors, outstripping even the largest state university teachers' colleges.

Investing in our future: The evidence base on preschool education

The expansion of publicly-funded preschool education is currently the focus of a prominent debate. The research brief "Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education," authored by an interdisciplinary group ...

Can children's TV characters boost STEM learning?

Can relationships formed with media characters like Dora the Explorer or Elmo help young children learn science, technology, engineering and mathematical (STEM) skills?

Zoos talk, but do people listen?

A study involving 176 zoos from more than 50 countries has found zoos are missing opportunities to educate visitors about conservation and sustainability.

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