India tech tycoon donates $2.3 bn to charity

Indian software tycoon Azim Premji said Saturday he has given $2.3 billion to an education charity that he controls, reportedly the biggest charitable donation in the country's recent history.

Hitachi to replace president, split off businesses

Japanese hi-tech giant Hitachi Ltd. said Monday that it was replacing its president and splitting off its automotive systems and consumer electronics operations as it braces for a massive loss.

Visualizing interconnections among climate risks

Socio-economic activities in the present world have become increasingly interdependent because of rapid technological progress, urbanization, and globalization. Because of these interdependencies between human society and ...

GE says 'Industrial Internet' could be worth trillions

Connecting industrial operations to the Internet could lead to significant gains in productivity, potentially worth $10 trillion to $15 trillion globally, a study by General Electric said Monday.

Poland emerging as major European outsourcing hub (Update)

The first time Javier Bofarull Marques left Spain for Poland, it was for love. It was 2006, a boom time in Spain, and his friends thought he was crazy. He recently moved back to the Eastern European country and it was for ...

Clarifying the economic value of adjusting power consumption

Since the output of renewable energy such as photovoltaic generation tends to fluctuate, the power system can be viewed as a large-scale complex system with uncertainty. To stabilize the balance of supply and demand of electricity, ...

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