Do sensors make infrastructure safer?

Simply driving down the road gives you a sense for the current state of our infrastructure: crumbling and in need of repair. Aside from retrofitting or replacing current infrastructure with new construction and materials, ...

Averting worse economic collapses

A new study shows how specific parameters can help us steer clear of tipping points in dynamic systems, such as entire economies.

The economics of database searching

( -- Searching the internet might seem simple, but applying a little bit of economic theory to information retrieval can shed some light on the best search strategies to adopt, according to researchers.

Report: US spied on Brazil's Petrobras, Google

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden indicate the National Security Agency spied on Brazil's state-run oil company, the private computer networks of Google and a company that facilitates most of the world's international bank ...

Polluting China for the sake of economic growth

China's economic growth will continue to be energy-intensive and highly polluting for the foreseeable future with emissions and efficiency far below capital growth on the agenda, according to a study published in the International ...

Launch of EU's Galileo system set for Friday

The launch of the first two satellites for the European Union's Galileo navigation system was postponed until Friday - adding at least one more day to years of waiting for a program promoted as the main rival to GPS to get ...

How is COVID-19 affecting the global economic order?

Supply chains collapse, companies are facing bankruptcy, and mass unemployment ensues. Covid-19 has triggered a global financial crisis and is forcing states to develop rescue packages on a scale not seen before. In addition, ...

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