Enough wind to power global energy demand, new research says

There is enough energy available in winds to meet all of the world's demand. Atmospheric turbines that convert steadier and faster high-altitude winds into energy could generate even more power than ground- and ocean-based ...

Inequality, 'silver spoon' effect found in ancient societies

The so-called "silver spoon" effect -- in which wealth is passed down from one generation to another -- is well established in some of the world's most ancient economies, according to an international study coordinated by ...

Modeling broader effects of wildfires in Siberia

As wildfires in Siberia become more common, global climate modeling estimates significant impacts on climate, air quality, health, and economies in East Asia and across the northern hemisphere.

What if California didn't close down during the pandemic?

Researchers at the California Academy of Sciences, along with a collaborator at Denison University, have developed an innovative new model to assess how the California economy might have fared without economic closures to ...

Social inequities reflected in wait times: The poor wait longer

Nobody likes waiting for services, whether it's a long line at the grocery store or an extra half-hour in a doctor's waiting room. Turns out wait times are not the same for everyone: Black Americans and lower income Americans ...

Prominent researchers have an easier time getting work published

Research work by renowned researchers is rated significantly better than work by lesser-known researchers, despite the same quality. This was the conclusion reached by a team of researchers led by Jürgen Huber from the Department ...

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