Unexpected wins in both humans and monkeys increase risk taking

How do humans make decisions when the outcomes are uncertain? One possible way would be to calculate the expected value of each option by multiplying each possible outcome amount by its probability and then choosing the option ...

What's a park worth to the economy?

A new framework developed by University of Waterloo researchers demonstrates the significant economic health savings and benefits from urban park investments.

What if California didn't close down during the pandemic?

Researchers at the California Academy of Sciences, along with a collaborator at Denison University, have developed an innovative new model to assess how the California economy might have fared without economic closures to ...

Investing smartly in climate change adaptation

Until the world stops or slows our greenhouse gas emissions, we won't know just how severe climate change effects like sea level rise and extreme weather will be. A new framework could help communities when making often irreversible ...

Regions in US, China most at risk for climate damage: report

Major industrial and economic centers in China and the United States are among the most vulnerable regions in the world to the increasingly destructive power of climate change-driven weather extremes, according to a comprehensive ...

Millions of farmers put their faith in God when making decisions

A widespread belief among millions of smallholder farmers in one of the world's poorest countries is that God determines their yields. This is shown by a study from the University of Copenhagen that has examined the correlation ...

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