Related topics: south korea

Teen boys less attentive at school than girls: OECD

Teenage boys are more likely to underachieve at school than their female counterparts but more likely to go on to study science and maths, an OECD report said Thursday.

Global income equality now back at 1820s levels: OECD

The gap between the haves and the have-nots globally is now at the same level as in the 1820s, the OECD said Thursday, warning it was one of the most "worrying" developments over the past 200 years.

Women workers face tradeoffs, researchers find

Are American women making headway in the workplace? Yes and no, according to new research by ILR School Professors Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn.

Germany, UK propose e-commerce tax effort

Germany and the United Kingdom on Monday urged the world's biggest economies to form a common front against tax evasion related to internet commerce and other revenue-shifting schemes, and said they received strong support ...

OECD says IT sector resisting economic crisis

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector has resisted the economic crisis and is becoming a key infrastructure for the world's economy, the OECD said Thursday.

Study: One in four divorces 'inefficient'

(—Many people divorce with hope of finding greater happiness than they did in a "bad" marriage. But a new national study by an Iowa State University economics professor found that in approximately one in four divorces, ...

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