Using microbial consortia may boost success of biotechnologies

Around the world, researchers are studying microbes to see if these tiny organisms can be used to solve a host of problems, from cleaning up toxic waste to providing renewable energy. Unfortunately, attempts to develop biotechnologies ...

Mapping to help preserve Broome's rare ecology

Broome householders, businesses and agencies are closer to being able to preserve fragile, unique ecological communities in the region while conserving the town's natural heritage as it develops.

Discovering untapped value in Europe's forests

Non-wood forest products can help boost the economies of remote mountainous areas of Europe, maintain local traditions and preserve unique landscapes for generations to come. Exploitation of a variety of non-wood products ...

Climate relicts may help researchers understand climate change

While hiking through the Ozarks' characteristic oak and hickory forests as a teenager, ecologist Scott Woolbright discovered something decidedly uncharacteristic for the region: prickly pear cacti growing on an exposed, rocky ...

Scientists ponder Cockburn Sound's ecological mysteries

Little is known about the microbial ecology of Cockburn Sound – but researchers from the University of WA and Edith Cowan University are investigating its seagrass root and rhizome sediments and how the presence of seagrasses ...

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