Mobile phones help Americans encounter more diverse news

In recent years, we've heard a lot about "news bubbles" and "echo chambers," the idea that to validate their own worldviews, liberals read liberal news and conservatives read conservative news. The proliferation of partisan ...

Echo chambers persist in climate politics, research shows

New research from the University of Maryland (UMD) finds that contentious climate politics continue to be influenced by the diffusion of scientific information inside "echo chambers"—social network structures in which individuals ...

Is social media good or bad for social unity?

We tend to talk about social media in sweeping terms: It's either the death knell for democracy or its savior. It's a tool to fight authoritarianism or a weapon to spread strategic misinformation. It polarizes us or pulls ...

Who is falling for fake news?

People who read fake news online aren't doomed to fall into a deep echo chamber where the only sound they hear is their own ideology, according to a new study from the Wharton School.

The financial dangers of echo chambers

As ongoing revelations about Facebook's algorithm are showing, social media's ability to shape our attitudes by steering users into echo chambers is raising questions about our national discourse and drawing increasing attention ...

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