Crisis hotlines turning to text to reach teens

They stream in a couple of dozen times a week, cries for help in bursts of text to, a nonprofit more used to texting out details to teens on good causes and campaigns than receiving them from young people ...

Partnership unveils healthcare robot coach: Autom

PCH International is partnering with Intuitive Automata to create and bring to market what the two are calling a "healthcare robot coach." They have named it Autom (a homophone of autumn). The purpose of the robot is to help ...

Study discovers eating habits of Diplodocus

A team of researchers from the University of Bristol, Natural History Museum of London, the University of Missouri and Ohio University has discovered the eating habits of Diplodocus using a three-dimensional model of the ...

Eat less meat and farm efficiently to tackle climate change

We need to eat less meat and recycle our waste to rebalance the global carbon cycle and reduce our risk of dangerous levels of climate change. New research from the University of Exeter, UK, shows that if today's meat-eating ...

Japan 'diet glasses' fool wearers into eating less

Goggles that trick the wearer into thinking the plain snack in their hand is a chocolate cookie, or make biscuits appear larger have been unveiled in Japan, offering hope to weak-willed dieters everywhere.

Fasting for Lent forces hyenas to change diet

Many Christians give up certain foods for Lent, however ecologists have discovered these changes in human diet have a dramatic impact on the diet of wild animals. In Ethiopia, members of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church stop ...

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